Treating for Bed Bugs

Noble Pest & Termite can treat your home for bed bugs! Bed bugs are the worst roommates ever and surely not someone you want to share your bed with! Fortunately, we can help treat any kind of bed bug infestation you may have. Some of these we find in this area include:

  • Common bed bugs: as the name suggest these are the most common and are found all over the world

  • Eastern Bat bed bug: they have tiny hairs along their upper thorax which help them sense things around them

  • Western Bat bed bug: they may find themselves feeding on human blood if bats are not readily available

  • Swallow bed bug: can survive for 1 year without feeding

To be completely sure that you are eradicating the problem, make sure you call in the experts. Home treatments for bed bug infestations may not get to the root of the problem. Our team will help you fully eradicate your bed bug problem, all the way down to its source.