Treating for Crickets

Noble Pest & Termite can treat your home for crickets! The beloved chirping cricket of the field can be a nuisance once they share a living space with you. Most crickets will feed on your plants, carpet and even fabrics! However, it’s easy to keep them under control with the right treatment. Some of these we find in this area include:

  • House cricket: most commonly found in your home due to the warmth, light brown or grey

  • Camel cricket: arched back, spidery legs, they eat through cardboard, wood, and fabric and leave a bad odor

  • Katydid cricket: bright green all over their bodies, their wings look like leaves

  • Black field cricket: black or brown with wings that are folded on the side of the body, can lay up to 400 eggs at a time

    To be completely sure that you are eradicating the problem, make sure you call in the experts. Our team will help you fully eradicate your cricket problem, outside as well as inside your home and all the way down to its source.