Treating for Scorpions

Noble Pest & Termite can treat your home for scorpions! Although scorpions may be fascinating creatures to look at, they can be just as scary to find in your home due to their ability to sting! However, it’s easy to keep them under control with the right treatment. Some of these we find in this area include:

  • Striped Bark scorpion: most commonly seen in Texas, most likely to be found in your own home

  • Texas Cave scorpion: likely to nestle under wood piles

  • Florida Bark scorpion: an invasive species for Texas, they like to set up in residential areas

  • Giant Hairy scorpion: light brown and hairy, one of the biggest scorpions in the US

  • Lesser Stripetail scorpion: most easily found under rocks and debris

    To be completely sure that you are eradicating the problem, make sure you call in the experts. Our team will help you fully eradicate your scorpion problem, outside as well as inside your home and all the way down to its source.