Treating for Spiders

Noble Pest & Termite can treat your home for spiders! Texas is home to over 900 species of spiders and can be a fearful creature for many people! However, it’s easy to keep them under control with the right treatment. Some of these we find in this area include:

  • Brown Recluse spider: they have a distinctive violin-shaped mark on their head, they are also very venomous

  • Black Widow spider: One of the most venomous spiders in Texas, can be found under furniture, in garages, or in your garden, identifiable by the bright hourglass pattern on their abdomens

  • Black and Yellow Garden spider: black, yellow and white bodies, found in gardens, on porches or eaves of homes

  • Common House spider: brown bulb-like abdomens with dark and white lines and patches

  • Texas Brown Terantula: light brown with orange hairs and darker legs, they may wander into your home

    Spiders can be scary to adults and children alike! To be completely sure that you are eradicating the problem, make sure you call in the experts. Our team will help you fully eradicate your spider problem, outside as well as inside your home and all the way down to its source.